
McClellanville’s Moving Markers

Well just a few days after I posted “DOT Changes History“, the issue of the signs was resolved. The historical plaque marking Archibald Rutledges birthplace was returned to its rightful location in front of “Little Hampton”. They also moved the often ignored McClellanville historical marker (shown below) from the corner of Highway 17 and North […]

DOT Changes History

   If you’ve driven through town recently you may have noticed a new historical marker at the Deerhead Oak.  Upon closer inspection you will have found that it is marking the birthplace of Archibald Rutledge.  Well, not exactly.  No, Archibald Rutledge, South Carolina’s first poet laureate, was not born in the long branches of one of […]

Fishing and Boating around McClellanville

The water is warming up and it’s getting to be great weather to be out on the boat.  I wanted to cover a few boating and fishing basics for people coming to Bulls Bay or Cape Romain.  For more information on local boating and fishing visit The Village Community Forum. Boating Rules and Regulations There is […]

Thank You ARA for Another Great Shrimp Festival

Congratulation to Archibald Rutledge Academy for another great Shrimp Festival. There were lots of great vendors, tons of games for the kids, and really good food too. No wonder families come back year after year to take a break from their hectic lives for the day and relax in this amazing town. Preliminary reports are […]

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