If ask about peoples opinions on the war, they would probably tell you why we should or shouldnt be in Iraq, but there is another war going on, one within our very borders; The War on Imported Shrimp. In recent years foreign, farm-raised shrimp have been dumped onto the American marketplace at such a low price that local shrimpers are having a hard time surviving. Most of us dont put much thought into where our steamed shrimp in the restaurant are coming from, unless of course you are from McClellanville, and then you might find yourself walking out of a restaurant that has chosen to save a few bucks by buying these imported beasts. McClellanville has long been dependant on the sea for its vast riches, but the tireless efforts of the shrimpers have been burdened once again buy the importation of low cost, farm-raised shrimp.
The May issue of South Carolina Wildlife Magazine published by South Carolina Department of Natural Recourses features a great article titled “Living for Shrimping, Shrimping for a Living“. The article features McClellanville locals Gardner McClellan, Georgia Tisdale, and David Donnelly talking about the trials and tribulations of shrimping as a life-long career. Author Billy Baldwin also offers his experience from his times spent running a shrimp boat. The article discusses the impact of imported shrimp on the marketplace as well as the diminishing dockage space needed for the boats as waterfront property values rise.
For more information on the what you can do to support local shrimpers and maintain their way of life and your tasty seafood delight, visit The South Carolina Shrimpers Association.
P.S. – Don’t forget that Shrimp Festival is May 5th!