A Virginian by birth, Rees and her husband, TJ, have lived in the Lowcountry for 30 years and in McClellanville for 17. She has been a licensed Realtor for 16 years and is able to help the team at MCVL Realty on many levels, but especially with clients wanting to sell their properties throughout the Charleston tri-county area, as well as Georgetown, Pawleys Island, and Myrtle Beach.
Rees’ passion is helping others whenever she can. Whether helping people get the best price for their property or helping people through the ups and downs of life, Rees is quick to listen and a steady source of knowledge, strength and encouragement to buyers, sellers and to friends alike. Having been a pastor’s wife for almost 30 years, Rees loves listening to people’s stories and then coming along side to help where she can.
Rees grew up riding horses (hunters and jumpers) and then drove her horse-loving daughter to and from many three-day event competitions over the years. She holds the Equestrian Properties Designation and knows what type of land, barns, and training facilities are best for horses. When Rees is not working, she loves walking through the Santee Coastal Reserve and boating near their home in McClellanville.