A few months ago I wrote an article about adding recycling pickup to the regular trash pick up in McClellanville. I also put up a few petitions around town asking for signatures from town residents that would be willing to pay an additional $25 a year to pay for the service. I received almost 50 signatures, but I know that there are more of you out there. I will be presenting the idea and the petitions at the next Town Council meeting on February 4th at 7p.m. If you feel as strongly as I do about making it easier for everyone to reduce waste and save the planet, than please join me at McClellanville Town Hall and voice your opinion to our council members. I believe that the current garbage man, Barron Duke, will be present and can field any questions that people have for him. It usually takes several meetings for town council to get something approved and the new years budget starts in June, so we need to hurry on this to get in in the new budget. Please come out to Town Hall Meeting and show your support.