
McClellanville Christmas Wreaths

Looking for a great last minute Christmas gift idea or a way to add a splash of beauty to your own front door? How about an all natural, homemade wreath?
Take a walk around your yard or the Francis Marion National Forest and collect anything that you think is pretty (Id leave the poison ivy behind though). Search the ground for nuts and cones or use fresh green branches of pine magnolia, or holly with red berries for color. Wreath made from natural products found in McClelllanville
I made this all natural wreath (yes, Im a man of many talents) from various sized pine cones, pecan, gum balls, acorns, and magnolia seed pods. I started with a pre-made straw wreath and used a hot glue gun to attach the items. You can spray the whole thing with a clear acrylic spray for added protection and to prevent the pine cones from closing up on you.
McClellanville Christmas WreathMy wife made this wreath that features pine cones painted silver as well as Christmas ornaments and ribbon for a more modern and festive look. She started with a small vine wreath that I spray painted silver.
The wreath below was made by Susan Bates. Its made almost entirely of pine cones, but the berries and bow add a nice splash of color.
Last Minute McClellanville Gift Ideas
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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