There are plenty of hiking trails cutting through the wildlife areas surrounding McClellanville. Some are also open to biking, horseback riding, and off-road vehicles such as 4-wheelers, motorcycles, and ATV’s.
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
Bull Island NRT (2.0 miles)
Sheephead Ridge (3.7 miles)
Old Fort Loop (6.6 miles)
Francis Marion National Forest
Sewee Visitor Center (1.5 miles)
Awendaw Passage of Palmetto Trail (7.0 miles) (MAP)
Swamp Fox Passage of the Palmetto Trail (42 miles)
I’on Swamp (2.0 miles)
Battery Warren Interpretive Trail
Sewee Shell Mound (1.0 mile)
South Tibwin (5.0 miles)
Wambaw Cycle Trail
Santee Coastal Reserve
Bike/Hike (7.2 miles)
Marshland (1.9 miles)
Woodland (1.1 miles)