McClellanville Wisteria Parade

This Saturday, April 2nd at 10:30 am is the McClellanville Wisteria Parade.  This is truly a site to behold if you’ve never attended; golf carts, strollers, floats, hats, horses, bicycles, pets, and little red wagons all loaded to the brim with flowing wisteria blossoms.  The event starts at the Presbyterian Church and continues on Pinckney Street to the Town Hall where there will be an inflatable jump castle for the children.  This is one of those silly McClellanville events designed for no other reason that to be outside and enjoy each other’s company in the beautiful weather.
This quickly fleeting flower often makes planning for the event ahead of time hard, because the flowers all burst forth at once and then begin wilting within weeks before turning into those odd seed pods.   This year the event happens to coincide with the rabies clinic in the parking lot of McClellanville Middle School from 9-12, so get there early with your pets if you’re planning to attend both events.  Also this weekend, on Sunday from 1-5pm will be a benefit concert for Savana Whalen with local music at the Don Britt Bandstand at the Town Hall.
wisteria-and-azalea I found this poem called “Wisteria-Hysteria” which I just loved.
No fair maid of Algeria,
muchacha from Iberia,
has beauty that’s superior
to flowering wisteria.
Some call her purple, some say mauve,
I fancy her, for she is fauve.
Wisterially, I’m feeling chauv-
inistic for her in her grove.
With blossom purple and imperious
she beckons to me, mauve, mysterious,
and draws me to her, mute but serious,
and wonderful and wild, wisterious.
~By Gershon Hepner

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