The Great Backyard Bird Count

McClellanville Bird CountI meant to get this out sooner, but there are still several days left for everyone to participate. The Great Backyard Bird Count is an Audubon event that beginner and expert birdwatchers and nature lovers can enjoy. It just takes a minimum of 15 minutes and pen and paper to record your sightings. The information collected helps researchers in their studies of the population and helps them better protect our bird populations. Surprisingly our area has been under reported in past Backyard Bird Counts, so get out there and participate.

To participate simply print out this checklist for birds common to McClellanville, spend at least 15 minutes between February 15th and 18th noting the number and species of birds spotted, and then submit your findings here.

Fact: Almost 30% of US bird species identified as being in need of top-priority conservation attention by Audubon and the American Bird Conservancy spend at least part of their lives in South Carolina. Many of these rely on the Cape Romain Wildlife Refuge as their breeding grounds.

PS – Audubons Francis Beidler Forest has a great website for nature lovers.

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