Whether powered by a paddle, a sail, or a motor, a boat is a perfect way to get out on the water enjoy the scenic, natural beauty around McClellanville.   There are no boat rental businesses in McClellanville, but most renters that come to the area for fishing or shrimping, bring their own boats.  Cape Romain Marine will take care of all of your boating repair, sales, and storage needs.  Stop by Leland Marina on Jeremy Creek to fuel up or rent a dock slip.
Be sure to follow all SC boating regulations while enjoying your time out on the water.
The refuge can be accessed from several boat landings in the area:

McClellanville Boat Landing

The Town boat landing is at the end of Pinckney Street, adjacent to the Town Hall.  Users must purchase a launch permit from the town.  The permit is to launch your boat and does not guarantee on-site parking which can fill up in peak summer and fall seasons.  
Non-Resident Annual Launch Permit is $150 

Buck Hall Boat Landing

Buck Hall Recreation Area on the Intracoastal waterway is about 5 miles South of McClellanville (by car and boat).  Entrance to the grounds is $6 per vehicle and there is a boat landing and parking for day users.

Poleyard Boat Landing

Located on the northern side of North Santee River, just off of Highway 17, about 15 minute North of McClellanville is Poleyard Public Boat Landing.  This primitive landing is free, but is also several miles inland from the Intracoastal Waterway.

There are several other freshwater boat landings that are covered in the Canoe and Kayak Section as well.

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